Infinity Consultants takes a value-engineering approach to “wet” utility master planning and design. Water systems are integrated, phased, analyzed, and engineered to meet local, state, and federal standards.
- Hydraulic Computer Modeling
- Booster Pump Stations
- Waste Water Lift Stations
- Booster Pumps
- Rate Studies/Impact Fee Analysis
- Waste System Management
- Infrastructure Engineering
- Collection Networks
- Storm Drain Retrofitting
- Energy Dissipation
- Detention/Retention Basins
- Channel Design Or Restoration
- UPDES/NPDES Compliance
- Erosion Control Plans
- Infiltration Analysis
- Watershed Analysis
- Hill Air Force Base
- South Valley Sewer District
- Sewer Diversion and Outfalls (6,000 lf)
- Secondary Water Well - Saratoga Springs, UT
- 7600 W. Booster Stations - Magna, UT
- Three 1,200 gpm Pumps
- Grantsville City, Amberwood Estates
- Local Lift Station with Emergency Storage
- Self-Cleaning Low Flood Conveyance
- Utah Data Center - Camp Williams, UT
- Feasibility Analysis and Predesign Master Plan 12" Outfall to SVSD
- Magna Water Co., WWTP Headworks Upgrade
- Saratoga Heights Offsite Storm Drain Trunkline - Saratoga Heights, UT
- 54" to 48" : 8,700 ft.
- Mountain View Corridor, UDOT
- Redwood Road to 9000 South
- Hydraulic Design